One of the driving principles of Cooperative membership is that members are in control of the organization through the election of a Board of Directors. Each year three districts are up for election. To be eligible for a director seat you must follow the election process and meet the qualifications to get your name on the ballot. This page outlines the election process, director qualifications, and expectations for serving on the Cooperative's Board of Directors.


Each year three districts are up for election and candidates are voted on by the membership at the Annual Meeting. The process for becoming a director starts in September when every member living in the three districts up for election is notified by mail. This mailing contains information on how to register to serve on the Board.

A candidate can run for a Director position in two ways:
  1. Selection During the Nominating Committee Meeting - The nominating committee consists of three members, one from each district up for election and meets in December at the Eau Claire Energy Cooperative headquarters.
  2. Nomination by Petition - Any fifteen (15) or more members may make nominations in writing over their signatures. Petitions must be submitted to the Cooperative Secretary not more than 150 nor fewer than 55 days prior to the Annual Meeting.


In accordance with the Cooperative Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2, no person shall be eligible to become or remain a Director of the Cooperative, unless they:

  • Are a natural person, who has been for three (3) years immediately prior to nomination, a member of the Cooperative;
  • Are a bona fide resident of the Director district for which the nominee is nominated for or from which the Director was elected;
  • Are receiving electric service from the Cooperative at the member’s place of residence;
  • Have not been an employee of the Cooperative within five (5) years of the date of their election, or the spouse of such person;
  • Must be able to access, receive, and transmit electronic communications, documents, etc.
  • For a full list of qualifications, please refer to Article IV, Section 2 of the Cooperative Bylaws.


As a member of Eau Claire Energy Cooperative, you have the opportunity to serve on our Board of Directors as well as elect your board members. That's the cooperative difference! Each Director serves a three year term. Application forms are available during the nomination process.


The following are items that are expected by a Director in order to gain background information and knowledge needed to make informed decisions on complex matters concerning Eau Claire Energy Cooperative. Due to the commitment of time to serve, Directors receive a per diem and travel reimbursement for attending meetings, conferences, and trainings. Please note that any Director policy is available by request.

  • Attend 12 regularly scheduled monthly Board Meetings
  • Attend 1 – 4 additional Board and/or Committee Meetings per year
  • Attendance at national, regional, state, and/or other meetings, conferences, and/or training seminars accounting for 3 – 10 days per year
  • Encouraged to become a NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director by attending 3 – 5 trainings per year
  • Spend considerable time reviewing and analyzing data and other information presented to the Board
  • Disclosure of any existing or potential conflict of interest with any Board membership, position, investment, or business
  • Must successfully pass a background check during the election process